Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Nduom’s Woes Continues As EC Points Out More Errors

The hope of Paa Kwesi Nduom joining the 2016 presidential race is still deem as the Electoral Commission has identified 105 more errors in their nomination forms.

The flagbearer of the Progressive People's Party (PPP) was disqualified because one of his endorsers, Richard Aseda was deemed to have endorsed the candidate in the Central Region, as well as in the Volta Region, contrary to the election regulation which allowed the endorser the right to endorse in only one district.

Although the PPP admited the error, they disagreed with the EC's decision to disqualify its candidate and hence took the issue to court.

The issue ended up at the Supreme Court after the commission disagreed with the High court ruling that directed them to allow the PPP’s presidential candidate Papa Kwesi Nduom to fix his mistakes and join the race.

On Monday, the SC ruled in favour of the PPP again; ordering the commission to allow all the presidential aspirants to correct the errors on their forms.

Per the Supreme Court ruling, the EC was to extend the nomination period to 5pm, Tuesday November 8, 2016.

However, information gathered from sources within the PPP and a letter from the Commission indicates that there are more mistakes to be corrected.

According to Gary Nimako Marfo, one of the lawyers of Dr Nduom, the EC has identified 105 additional errors to the one that was found earlier on in their nomination forms. This means the party has 106 errors to correct before 5pm, Tuesday.

Below is the full letter from the EC to the PPP

Dear Sir: Re-Presidential Election Nomination

We refer to the Supreme Court ruling on Monday 7, 2016 in the case of the R vs High Court (Commercial Division) Accra Ex Parte Electoral Commission (Applicant) and Papa Kwesi Nduom (Applicant).

The Court in the said case, ordered that the Electoral Commission extend the nomination period of Monday 7 November 2016 to 17.00 hours GMT on Tuesday 8 November 2016.

The court further ordered that you be given a hearing within the extended period and that we afford you the opportunity to comply with regulation 9 (2) (b) of CI 94, in appropriate cases.

You would recall that by our letter to you on October 10, 2016, we informed you of two subscriptions that were not as required by law on pages 21 and 39 of your form.

Following the ruling of the Supreme Court, which effectively extended the nomination period to November 8, 2016, and following the hearing provided you today, we should be grateful if you would do the following.

Kindly take the requisite steps to procure the attendance of Mr. Richard Aseda (who is listed as a subscriber on pages 21 and 39 of your form) at the head office of the Commission, prior to the close of nomination, to confirm that he actually subscribed to your forms and the district in which he subscribed.

Further, please find attached a list of other concerns and discrepancies found on your nomination form within the extended nomination period.

These include signatures which do not tally across copies of your form. Please be advised that in line with the requirements of law;

i. You must have a minimum of two subscribers in every district of Ghana and that your subscribers are all validly registered voters;

ii. That your subscribers have duly endorsed your nomination papers as required by law.

iii. A subscriber cannot nominate more than one presidential candidate

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